Many of us close our eyes to the benefits of hiring a wedding planner to plan and organize the wedding thinking that the extra help is not economically feasible. Ironically, you can actually reduce your wedding expense significantly if you choose your wedding planner wisely.
#1 Vendor Discount
You can expect massive discounts from all wedding vendors and suppliers if you are hiring them through your wedding planner.
The vendors and suppliers would try to impress the wedding planners, so they get more business from the planner in the future. The vendors may not offer you huge discounts if you deal with them directly because you are not a repeat-business for them.
You can also get discounts from the wedding professionals like videographer, photographer, makeup artists, and entertainment professionals.
#2 Favorite Wedding Venue at Reasonable Rate
Your wedding planner can also help you get your favorite wedding venue at a reasonable rate. Wedding halls may inform you that it is not available on your wedding date if it is in a popular wedding day.
If you have a good wedding planner, they will help you get the hall easily because they have business relationships with them.
#3 Avoid Unnecessary Expense
You may end up spending for unnecessary reasons if you are not well organized. For example, you may purchase or hire different things and later realize that it was unnecessary. Moreover, sometimes doing certain things very early or very late may also boost your expense. This is where a wedding planner comes to your rescue.
A wedding planner would have years of experience planning and organizing wedding and similar events. That experience and the knowledge will help you organize your wedding preparation and keep everything on track. This will ultimately help you avoid unnecessary expense.
#4 Alternative Affordable Options
A wedding planner can also help us with low-cost alternatives without compromising the quality or the colorfulness of the event. Professional wedding planners keep themselves updated about the latest trends and innovative ideas in the wedding industry. So, they can offer you more options which may be far better and cheaper than traditional ways of doing things.
#5 Help You Create a Plan that Sticks to Your Budget
It is more likely that you would end up spending a lot more than what we have estimated initially if the planning and event management is not done professionally. You may have similar experiences in your life.
It is very hard to prepare an estimate and stick to it if you are on a controlled budget and that is where a wedding planner becomes your best friend.
An experienced wedding planner can help you organize the wedding by sticking to your budget. Planners have special expertise in preparing a budget and organizing the event as per the plan which they have gained from their years of experience in organizing weddings.
#6 Reduce the Number of Days You Take Leave from Your Job or Business
You may need to spend a lot of days on planning and preparation to make a wedding event flawless. Therefore, you may have to take a lot of leaves from your job. It affects your business income or salary.
If you have a wedding planner, you can reduce the number of days you take leave because you have a wedding planner to take care of most of the preparation and organization.
It will not help you reduce the wedding expense but helps you to avoid the loss you may have when you take leave from work.
These are the different ways how hiring a wedding planner reduces your wedding expense. A wedding planner is not someone you should avoid thinking it adds to the expense. You should hire a wedding planner