Nobody would want their wedding a boring and dull party. We want to make it a colorful and exciting day but how do we do that? Is it by spending millions and making it a big-fat wedding? No! It is not about the money and it is not about the number of people. The best way to make a wedding day exciting is to make it a party where everyone would enjoy. If you don’t have any idea how to achieve it, we got you some tips and tricks to make your wedding fun and creative.

First, you have to remember that funny and creative are not the same. You may want to be creative to make something funny but being creative always doesn’t have to be funny. However, we will share your tricks for both.

If you want to make a party fun and creative, you have to make it livelier and promote hyperactivity. Some people may not like it. However, people who enjoy being active and livelier, would never your wedding day if you promote it on your wedding day. They would remember the day forever if you give them a great experience at the party.

1. Flash Mob

You can ask your friends and relatives join together and plan a flash mob. You should already have the arrangements for the music in the wedding venue. You should arrange five people at least 2 weeks before and tell them to plan a flash mob. You can get other people on the previous night of the wedding and train them. It doesn’t have to be perfect. A flash mob with your friends and relatives would be much more interesting than a dance professional team.

2.Excessive Use of Balloons

Balloons decoration is not uncommon for the wedding. Using lots of balloons can make the wedding venue look fun and creative. You can pick a color scheme and use hundreds of balloons and decorate the entire area. Balloons are cheaper and you don’t have to worry about the budget unlike in the indoor garden idea.

Use hundreds of balloon and fill the area with them. Hang some from the roof, tie on the drapes and leave some on the floors free. Letting the balloons floating in the air and floor would be nice scenery. Occasionally, balloons may burst. If you have a videographer, chances are you may get some weird expression of people when balloon burst suddenly.

Moreover, kids love balloons and they will play kicking and hitting the balloons and that will make everyone active and fresh.

You may think that it may mess up the party but actually, it can make the party livelier. There are people who don’t like noise or hyper-activism. If you have such concerns, you can’t make the party fun.

You can also consider a balloon releasing event where everyone in the wedding party would release helium balloons into the air.

3. Surprise Entertainment

Just like the flash mob, you can plan entertainment activities for the guests but don’t let them know about it. Give them a surprise and start it in the middle of the party. The best ways for entertainment would be games because you can engage your guests in the game. Games like flip cups, treasure hunt, tug of war and other kids’ game would be some great options. The unexpected entertainment would make your guests exciting. It won’t be difficult to find some games like this.

You would need someone to coordinate all these things. If you got a wedding planner, he/she would be helpful. Your siblings or cousins can also coordinate them.

4. Create an Indoor Garden

You can arrange the walls/drapes with leaves and fix lots of flowers inside the wedding venue. Bring as many flowers and plants as possible and make it look like a garden. When the guests come to the room, they would feel like they are entering a room.

Additionally, if the room is well exposed, you can make the area look like the outdoors. Kids in the party will find it especially fun and they may run across the wedding venue just like when they are in a park.

How to Decorate Wedding Venue Creatively?

When you think about wedding venue decoration it might be about flowers, drapes and lightings. It is a lot more than that. There are some proven creative ways to decorate a wedding venue. But remember, you would need professionals with knowledge and skills in venue decoration.

We got decoration artists with amazing talents to make any wedding venue look astonishing using creative techniques. We have florists and other professionals to enhance the aesthetic appearance of a wedding venue.

5. Themed Wedding

Themed wedding is a great way to make a wedding venue creative. You can choose a theme for wedding venue decoration and decorate the venue based on that. Some interesting themes would include Valentine’s Day, eco-friendly, harry porter etc. You can find themes from films, popular literature and cartoons.

Cartoon romantic movies are the best options. These kinds of themes would be both fun and creative. You can decorate the wedding venue with props, posters and other materials. You can also choose the drapes, lighting, and other materials based on them. Additionally, get some masks of the popular characters in the particular movie and distribute them to the children. It would make the children happier and it would drastically improve the experience for your guests.

6. Bouncy Castles on the Outdoor

If you got some outdoor space free, you can fix some bounce castles there. However, you should be careful to not make the place look like a children’s park. Try to get some bouncy castles that are not too out of place and they will be a great opportunity for the kids to enjoy. You can also get your adult guests to bounce on them. You will get some nice photographs from this activity.

These are fun and creative ways to decorate your wedding venue and make the wedding day exciting. As I said earlier, the best way to make it fun and exciting is to make the party a true celebration. Then your guests would enjoy it and they would never forget the day in their life.

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